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String Ensemble

String Ensemble 

The Prelude Academy String Ensemble is an opportunity for the string students of Prelude Academy to study and perform orchestral music in a group setting. Students will develop skills in orchestra etiquette, technique, performance, and audition preparation. 


  • Students must be between the ages of 8-18 

  • Students must be current students of Prelude Academy of the Arts and referred by an instructor 

  • Students must prepare and perform an audition (details below)

  • Students must attend a scheduled audition and weekly rehearsals 


String ensemble tuition is an additional $20 added to the students’ monthly lesson tuition. This additional fee will not be charged until the first week of September and will only be charged through the month of December. Limited scholarships are available for students who qualify. 


Rehearsals will take place Tuesday evenings at 6:00pm at Prelude Academy of the Arts for approximately 50 minutes. Auditions will take place on September 10th. Auditions begin September 17th and rehearsals continue weekly through December 17th. We will not have rehearsal on November 26th. 


String Ensemble Fall/Winter Performances:


11/3/2024 | Prelude Academy Fall Recital

12/7/2024 | Dade City Christmas Stroll

12/22*/2024 | Church Street Christmas


*Date is subject to change


Auditions will be held on Tuesday, September 17th; students will sign up for a ten minute time slot between 6:00-7:30pm. The audition time sign-up sheet will be available in the lobby. Auditions will include: 


  1. Scales: 2 octave scales in G major and A major, 1 octave scale in D major

  2. Excerpt: Play the excerpt attached below for your instrument. Students auditioning for 2nd violin must prepare beginning-measure 16, students auditioning for 1st violin must prepare the whole page (beginning through measure 48.) Cellists will prepare beginning through measure 18. 

  3. Sight-Reading: Students will be asked to sight read a short piece of music during the audition



Violin Excerpt


Cello Excerpt 


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